I’m an online dating coach and former matchmaker and a big proponent of throw-it-all-at-the-wall dating philosophy and see what sticks. But you gotta leave those 4 walls!
So, here we go:
1. Guys: Go. To. Yoga. I’m a yoga lover (and a certified teacher who never teaches) and you’ll see me there 4-5 times a week. And what don’t I see? Men! Don’t go to yoga at a gym---go to a designated yoga studio. On average, I see 35 women and maybe 3 men. Men, don’t give up---go to the same class at the same time for several weeks and you’ll find a friendly group of women---the next thing you’ll know is you’re having coffee or juice with several. Yep, weight lifting and cardio are good but not only will this be fun and you’ll meet people, but you’ll be stretching and working on your posture. Give it a shot! My BF Lena met her husband Vin this way.
2. Gals: You seem to be all be playing pickleball or tennis With each other. With 3 other females. Sign up for those managed play games at night where the pro matches you with a man----wow, the people you will meet in that 90-minute clinic. Last week I played, and not being shy, at the end offered to be in charge of the text chain---and went around getting everyone’s (both men and women’s phone numbers) and put them up on WhatsApp. Hmm, easy way to ask that cute blonde to play a match with you now.
3. The Dog Park: ok, only for those with dogs or like dogs (I realize everyone does not love dogs) I just moved to another part of South Florida---thus, a new dog park! Ok, I began with the after-work crowd---around 6:30 pm and no intro necessary---your dog takes care of the intro for those of you shy daters. Wow! Talk friendly. Next, the 8:30 am weekday crowd---super friendly and retired. Ok, then I jumped in this morning at 10 am (a Sunday) and wow, the rambunctious group of dogs there and lots and lots of people. I left there with 5 new friends---and one super cute guy named Tony who I kept thinking---who could I fix him up with??? No, I don’t tell people initially what I do professionally as I’m afraid Luna and I will be ostracized!
4. Halloween---dig that costume out and wear a mask Don’t be afraid to go alone!

5. Last, don’t we all have that list of things we want to do and have never tried? So, I just wandered into my office to cheat at this list and pulled 5 clients' files at random with what was on their wish lists:
A. Camping and Backpacking: Well, you surely won’t be doing this alone so join a meet-up and get to it!
B. Cooking Classes: This was a male 59-year-old client. So funny as last night Jeff and I were looking at these to take together---at Sur La Table. And let me tell you---there will be more women than men!
C. Salsa Dancing: You can’t do this one alone either
D. Water Skiing: someone needs to drive the boat
E. Learn to play Bridge---oh good one!
Even when I began my matchmaking days in the early 90’s pre-google and online dating, I told my clients as the Founder at It’s Just Lunch Matchmaking to try everything. When I started 33000Dates.com over a decade ago, it all began because my brilliant brother was so horrid at online dating! Oh, the photos he posted and his profile---lucky him he has me for a sister, right? And is in a happy relationship!
Now, in 2023, I hold the same belief only that online dating has exploded and there are so many good “normal” singles, widows and divorced people online. You just have to look---not 24/7 or you’ll go nuts---but follow my program and that is why over 65% are in a relationship!
November and December will be super busy months in the online world---if you need some help---sign up today for a 15-minute call and I’ll let you know if I can help and if we are a good fit---I am limited to how many people I take so I am graciously honest with you and may offer you another alternative if I’m not the one!
Happy Sunday, all---
Thank you for your feedback and for reading these. I totally appreciate you.
Andrea McGinty
Quoted by Oprah, USA Today, WSJ, NY Times, People Magazine, OC Register, Dallas Morning News, Today Show, and lots more
McGinty got into the dating business in high school---just a knack for fixing her friends up. It made her smile! Then when she was engaged in her early 20's in Chicago and left at the altar---well, 5 weeks before the big day----she had an idea after crying for a week. What if someone could act as an executive recruiter for your love life? It was 1990,
there was no google, no online dating and she jumped in and started It's Just Lunch. She built it to 110 locations globally before selling out to private equity---Match was one of the bidders but she went with the NY based firm. After hanging out with her newborn daughter----she had another idea when she saw her friends complaining about online dating----she knew how to do it right and make it fun! Thus 33000Dates.com was born where McGinty has a blast with her clients----from writing online dating profiles, navigating all aspects of online dating, vetting photos, choosing the right sites----yep, there's over 1500 of them and about 25-30 are awesome she has found----to writing client's initial messages for them to get them out on some top notch dates----in the past 3 years she has had over 935 marriages online. Yay. And she smiles every day----still!