Since we know the majority of New Year’s Resolutions fall to the wayside by the end of January (a whopping 75%), let’s skip them this year regarding your love life! Ok, if you sign up for a long-term gym membership and are paying the big bucks on a one-year contract, you’re more likely to go to the gym…right? Maybe.
Plans, resolutions, strategies without accountability generally fail….so let’s jump right into some 2023 Dating Tips from your dating coach (Just as an aside, online dating explodes in January and February---I get monthly stats from Gallup and Pew, and wow, the singles do flock to dating sites, no matter what part of the country you live in and no matter what the weather).
2023 Dating Tips:

1. Think outside your “type” While you may always go for the athletic, 6”2 man with a Masters or a 5’9 slim blonde, you’d be surprised over the years who I’ve seen fall in love with someone they originally told me was not their type!
2. Don’t expect perfection Hopefully you never expect it from yourself too!
3. Your date is not a mind reader
Here’s my 3 criteria for a relationship: Communication, Chemistry and Common Values. Oh, did I say communication?

4. Trust your gut Something seem a little fishy in her profile? He only posted one photo? Use your intuition.
5. Don’t get attached too quickly
Oh boy. I could write a book on this one. On my weekly coaching calls with clients, I’d estimate 20% of the time I hear “oh, he/she is the one” after one date and then they want to quit dating others. Nope. Uh-uh. Bad idea.

Definition of Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. (Thanks Mr. Einstein) Ready to change up the dating routine and get results?
Text me at 702-494-7344 to schedule a free 15-minute chat to see if I can help and we are a good fit. Not a thing to lose. I truly like my clients and get so excited when you meet someone! Or click here.
6. You’ve dove into online dating Your goal is 5 first dates the first two weeks. Yes. 5. Why? It gives you practice and confidence especially is you’ve been out of the dating world the last 20 years. And, oh, yes, I’ll get you there!
7. Say yes
To every opportunity: a party, a man you’re 50/50 on the fence with online, a hike with people you don’t know well, a trivia night. 'Cuz you never know!
8. Live in the moment Not what ifs. You’re on the date---enjoy the present moment. Don’t be thinking of date #3 or #4 of how it’s going to work geographically or with your kids. Stay present and enjoy.
9. Don’t overthink if they stop texting I hear this one enough---“oh, it went great and she stopped texting---I wonder why”. Yes, smart singles actually obsess over what happened to this person. Move on---the dating pool is huge!
10.Know what you deserve That means never settle. He/she is out there. Believe me---in 25 years of dating coaching, I absolutely know one thing---there is lid for every pot and I see it every day!

Happy New Year and Much Love in 2023,
Andrea McGinty Founder, 33000Dates.com Featured in the NYT, WSJ, People, Forbes, Today Show, Oprah and more