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So, what does October have to do with dating?...a lot, it seems. 10 Tips.

I was already working on this article over the weekend, when yesterday, I was hit with an article in the Wall Street Journal, and thought, OMG, I am on the right track!

couple hiking in the fall

Don’t worry, I’m not going to bore you with the whole article but give you 10 points why I agree with this reasoning—after 30 years, I’ve seen this every October and apparently so has the WSJ.  The title of the WSJ article that grabbed me is “October is the Time to Reset Goals” by Ann-Marie Alcantatra. 

The idea here?  It’s dubbed “October Theory”, and people are rethinking their approach to the last 3 months of the year.  I find this with my new clients too---it’s a time to set goals, pick up new habits (dating) and reflect---essentially taking on the role New Year’s plays.

Remember how we reset ourselves in the Fall---going back to college, high school?  A feeling of newness and I’m going to change some things?  Yep, that feeling!

Ready for a reset pre-holiday?  Here we go with my dating tips: (BTW, I’m giving you 10---but I have another 10 for you tomorrow too!) …..

  1. Think outside your “type”

    You may always go for the 6'2" athlete or the 5'9" blonde, but love can surprise you. I've seen many people fall for someone they swore wasn't their type.

  2. Don’t expect perfection

    And don’t expect it from yourself either! Embrace imperfections.

  3. Your date is not a mind reader

    A healthy relationship needs communication, chemistry, and shared values. Did I mention communication?

  4. Trust your gut

    If something feels off—like a sketchy profile or one suspicious photo—listen to your instincts.

  5. Don’t get attached too quickly

    One date doesn’t mean “the one.” Rushing to quit dating others after one great date? Bad idea.  Hmmm, I had this happen yesterday with a client—she wants to stop after one super date meeting other men. Nope.  I’d give it 4-5 dates before you ditch others.

  6. Dive into online dating

    Set a goal for 4 first dates in the first two weeks. It’ll build your confidence, especially if you’ve been out of the dating scene for a while.

  7. Say yes

    Whether it’s a party, a hike with new people, or a date with someone you’re unsure about, take the chance. You never know where it might lead.

  8. Live in the moment

    Stop worrying about date #3 or how it will work with your kids. Focus on enjoying the present moment.

  9. Don’t overthink if they stop texting

    If they ghost you, don’t dwell on it. There’s a huge dating pool out there—move on!

  10. Know what you deserve

    Never settle. In my 30 years as a dating coach, I’ve learned one thing: there’s a lid for every pot.

Let’s go, my friends!  Click here to set up 15 minutes with me to see if I can help change your life.  It’s what I love to do.

Life, love and dessert,



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