I debated running this link and article from CNN on Tinder---generally I use the Wall Street Journal and/or New York Times as sources, but issues with my password this morning were causing problems so here you go with CNN.com
My thoughts as a dating coach and counselor for over 25 years on Tinder:
60% of its' clients are in the 18-34 age range---not really my sweet spot as I tend to work with clients in their 30's to 60's, 70,s +
Though I cannot skip over Tinder, as it is the world's largest dating app well-known for hook-ups, rather than relationships (hey at 18 I wasn't looking to get married either, or even a serious relationship)
Match has made much headway (as the owner of Tinder) into helping dispell this image and trying to re-brand Tinder as both a hook-up and relationship site
Plus, you must have a criminal record to come up on these new bground checks on Tinder
I know Match well---they flew in their executives when they tried to buy the company I founded, ItsJustLunch.com for the exact reason----background checks. They thought owning It's Just Lunch, all brick and mortar, could be the answer to getting singles to come to IJL, verify their photos, verify their identity via driver's license or passport, then go on to Match with a client having more confidence that their match indeed, was legitimate and real. Synergy.
No, I sold out to a Private Equity group instead----purely a bidding war, nothing personal. Then as you know, I jumped headfirst into helping singles navigate all aspects of online dating as I saw the biggest growth in the dating kingdom coming from the internet, versus matchmaking.
Ok, back to Tinder's announcement. Since they made a huge investment into Garbo, the security firm leading this new venture for Tinder, it's not a bad idea. I think some singles will take pause at the thought of making a fake profile or using fake photos. Will people pay for it? We shall see. But it is definitely a deterrent. And maybe that is all that is needed---put a little fear into impostors.
All the dating apps/sites online are looking for new ways to increase their revenue---clients that pay are great, but they can realize even more revenue with add-ons like personal help on their site, you paying to come up higher in their algorithms, buying more hearts, etc....so why not?
Again, back to me and 33000Dates.com. I don't run into this problem. Why? For the most part, I think, it's because I work with an older, more sophisticated client base. I don't mean this in a snobby manner---that is just my niche.
I'll be following this trend with other sites---and keep you posted!