Everyday, I have between 15-75 singles take my online dating quiz which gives you a good indication on how well you are going to do in the world of online dating---from writing your dating profile, choosing the right site to eventually getting to that (hopefully) in real life date. These mistakes are coming straight off my Dating Quiz!
Ok, before we get started I was reading Michael Dell’s list of 21 life lessons (yes, the guy who started Dell at age 19 with $1,000 I’m a fan of) and here’s one for you: “Try never to be the smartest person in the room”. Yes, Mike, I agree, surround yourself with people who challenge, inspire and teach you to be the best---like a top-notch dating coach.
1. Quality/Quantity of Responses to your Dating Profile
Important? You bet! I’ve never had a client tell me as a dating consultant just give me quantity, I don’t care about quality! If your quantity is high, and quality low, you are on the wrong site for you! I had a pretty 45-year-old woman “gifted” for Mother’s Day a 3-month membership to Tinder---You can imagine (and laugh with her and me) about all the 25 year old men who responded to her! She is now situated on the right site---and dating men of her caliber!
2. Number of Photos Posted
Absolutely the #1 most important item online---your first photo. And if you only post one, game over.
3. Responses
Ok, you’ve made it past the photo test. You’ve posted 6-8; thus, you are in great shape. Then you start perusing potential dates and you HEART/LIKE them. With no message. It’s passive! You just struck out again.
4. Responses (B)
I always say there is an inverse correlation online: smart people make stupide mistakes. This time, you do not even Heart/Like them-----you are just sitting at home at 9pm with your favorite craft beer and wait for them to reach out. WWWWWhat? How are they supposed to know you are interested? ESP?
5. Responses (C)
Oh, I know you and I are on the same page now. The worst reply is the Copy/Paste. “Hey beautiful, I like your Photos!” or “I love to travel too.” READ: I am a burnt-out singleton, too tired to try anymore or I blame my lack of dull pastes on Hinge, Bumble, my work, my life, my ex, my dog.
You know what? I love what I do. I just feel like I wrote a negative blog----but if you are spotting even one of these errors in your approach to online dating, I truly can help. I don't want you to make these mistakes. Why? I have been doing this for over 25 years, had many clients get married or in relationships and I just love guiding you.
Did you know how to do yoga without an instructor? Learn to drive without a teacher? Get into Harvard Business School without any guidance?